
While our elders are responsible for the shepherding and teaching ministry of the church, we do employ paid staff – both men and women – who assist them in carrying out the ministries of the church. Some of our staff are employed full-time; others are part-time.

Tyler Scarlett

Tyler became the Pastor-Teacher of Forest Baptist Church in 2006. Before that he served on staff at Forest for 8 years in numerous positions at the church. He graduated in 2012 (D.Min – Expository Preaching) and in 2007 (M.Div in Pastoral Ministry) from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also graduated in 2004 from Liberty Theological Seminary with his M.A.R and from Liberty University with his B.S. in Religion.

Tyler is also an adjunct professor with Liberty University. He teaches Homiletics (Preaching) on-campus as well as Pastoral Leadership and Bible courses online. He has been published in Preaching magazine and in The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History. He is also the author of A Rhyming Baptist Catechism: Based on Keach’s Catechism (1689).

Tyler was married to his wife, Rebecca, in 2002. Together, they have six children: Samuel Spurgeon, Jeremiah Tyndale, Solomon Livingstone, Josiah Wilberforce, Abraham Moffat, and Faith Elliot.

Steve Putney
Associate Pastor

Steve became a member of Forest Baptist Church in 2014 and then was called to be the Associate Pastor in 2017. He grew up on a farm in Forest and graduated high school at LCA in 1974. After high school, he attended Piedmont Bible College in Winston-Salem, NC, graduating with a ThB in 1979. From there the Lord moved him on to Indiana where he attended Grace Theological Seminary, graduating in 1983 with a ThM majoring in Old Testament studies. The following year was spent living in Jerusalem, Israel where he studied Historical Geography of the Bible at Jerusalem University College. In 2004 he received his final degree (a DMin with a major in Church Leadership and Management) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois.

Steve served for 8 years while in college and seminary in local church youth ministries in NC and IN and then spent the next 18 years as the pastor of two churches. The first was in New Castle, VA and the second was in Hainesport, NJ. After leaving the pastorate in 2005, he taught residentially at Liberty University for 11 years and continues to this day as an adjunct online professor. He is thrilled to be back in local church ministry here at Forest Baptist!

Steve and his wife, Frankie, were married in 1985 and have two adult daughters, Laura and Amy.

Joe Veres
Missions & Administration

Joe and his family have been a part of Forest Baptist Church since 2002. In 2007, he was called to be our Church Administrator and Minister of Missions. Joe brings thirty years of experience in business administration and a demonstrated commitment to missions. Prior to joining the church staff, Joe worked at Genworth Financial, GE Capital, and J.Crew. He earned a BA in Business Administration from Averett University and MA in Intercultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Joe has been married to his wife, April, since 1987. They have two children, Joseph (married to Lily) and Kyle (married to Elizabeth), and have a growing gaggle of wonderful grandchildren...9 and counting. 

Reed Hernandez
Director of Student Ministry

Reed was born and raised in Northern Virginia and came to Lynchburg to pursue a ministry degree at Liberty University. He graduated Liberty in 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Leadership and gained valuable ministry experience in the local church — both on a volunteer and staff basis — during his time as a student. Reed volunteered with FBC’s student ministry in a leadership role and was hired in March 2016 to be the Director of Student Ministry. Reed completed his M.Div at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2020 and is continuing his education in the field of biblical counseling.

Reed and his wife, Maeve, met at Liberty University while both studying ministry. They were engaged in 2014 and joined FBC later that year. They were married in 2015 and have been blessed with four wonderful children.

Tim Helm
Director of Children's Ministry

Tim Helm has served as the Children’s Director at Forest Baptist Church since the beginning of 2021. Born and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut, he moved down to Virginia in 2013 to study and earn a degree in Pastoral Leadership at Liberty University (Graduated 2017). Following that he married his beautiful wife, Katherine (2017), and completed a Master of Divinity degree at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Graduated 2021). Tim and Katherine welcomed their precious son Liam in 2022.

Tim has served in multiple different Children’s Ministries previously, and also worked for years with the Forest Baptist Church Children’s Ministry and Youth Group. He has a passion for kid’s safely having fun learning about the Savior. Tim will tell you that Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry had a profound impact on his life, and so seeing children discipled in the faith is the joy of his life.

Jill Murphy
Director of Music Ministry

Jill and her family came to Forest Baptist Church in 2013 looking for a church closer to home. In 2018 she began volunteering as the choir director and soon realized that the Lord was again calling her to vocational music ministry. She joined the church staff in 2019 and has been passionate about developing a music ministry for all generations of FBC.

She recently graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Worship Leadership.

Jill and her husband, Dan, met at Liberty University as freshmen in college, and have been married for over thirty years. They have raised four sons and have since added two daughter-in-laws and two precious grandchildren to their family. 

Shelley Childress

Shelley grew up in Riverdale, Maryland and moved to Forest, Virginia in 1992. She attended Jefferson Forest High School for her senior year and graduated from CVCC with an education degree in 1996 — the same year she also married her husband, Todd. Shelley worked at BB&T Bank as well as Kroger for many years before coming to Forest Baptist Church in the summer of 2008. She has one son (Kyle) and one daughter (Allison), and several animals that keep her busy. She is truly blessed to have a job that she loves and enjoys coming to everyday.