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Here are some highlights of what our weekly services are like.
We believe that a local church should be as diverse as its community. You’ll find both young and old worshipping and serving the Lord side by side. Sunday morning worship attendance is between 500 and 600 people between our two services. Dress tends to be business casual, though you'll see everything from khakis to suits, and sneakers to dress shoes. Our members are friendly, but with many visitors each week, we encourage you to introduce yourself.
Our services formally begin at 8:30am and 11:00am, led most often by our pastor or a staff member. We begin by sharing announcements and upcoming opportunities, followed by the singing of several songs, voicing prayers of praise and confession to God, hearing Scripture read, enjoying special music, giving our offerings, and listening to God’s Word proclaimed.
(Childcare is available during both worship services for children from birth to age 4.)
Sunday School
We have Sunday School from 9:45 to 10:45 for all ages. We have classes for Children and Youth that use various Lifeway curriculums to teach Scripture. We have a variety of adult classes that are coeducational and appropriate for adults of all ages. We have faithful teachers who teach the Bible with the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
The music we sing at FBC is a blend of old and new. We cherish the doctrinally rich hymns of centuries past and find blessing in the choruses of our modern day. We always focus on content over style with music that is God-centered. Our music ministry includes a band, praise team, and choir. We prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God, which also represents our common faith.
Preaching at FBC is primarily expositional, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Bible passage. Sermons usually last between 35-45 minutes. The aim is for biblical accuracy to shape contemporary life. We regularly alternate between studying the Old and New Testaments including doctrinal and practical emphasis. All preaching is gospel-driven and Christ-centered. (We use NASB95 as our pulpit and pew Bible version.)
After Service
We respond to the message at the end by singing a closing hymn of dedication. The pastor (or an elder) will be available near the platform afterward for those who would like to ask questions or for prayer. Though the service ends soon after, many remain for fellowship and conversation before we depart and anticipate coming together again.
Tyler Scarlett
Welcome! It's my joy to have led our church since 2006 in the role of Pastor-Teacher -- feeding our flock from the Scripture every Sunday. We desire everyone who visits to leave enriched, edified and encouraged by the faithful preaching of God's Word. If you have any questions about our church, don't hesitate to contact me personally: