Discipling Students for Lifelong Devotion to Christ and His Church.
Who We Are.
Forest Students partners with parents to disciple their students in the ways of the Lord and fostering godly relationships among young believers. In a world increasingly hostile to Christianity, our aim is to root students in the perfect, unchanging Word of God so that they may stand as lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.
Sundays - 9:45am
at The Underground
Sunday mornings are our opportunity to study God’s Word in community. Grade-specific Sunday School classes are offered at 9:45 at The Underground student center. We use The Gospel Project from Lifeway to engage students with a Christ-centered perspective on a life lived for Him.
Wednesdays - 6:30pm
at The Underground
Wednesday night is high-energy, prime-time for our student ministry. Forest Students is our gathering of 6th – 12th graders at The Underground student center. We create opportunities for students to grow relationally in free time with one another, and spiritually through the teaching of God’s Word in an engaging, relevant way.
What We Do.
Monthly Events
From Busch Gardens to Kings Dominion, ice skating to go-karting, we are always looking for ways to get students together for fun day-trips. Check the Calendar, follow us on Instagram (@foreststudents), and join our Facebook group to keep up with our regular events!
Weekend Retreats
During the school year, we take a fall and winter retreat to local Christian camps for a time of fun, fellowship, and discipleship away from the routine. We use these retreats to challenge students through God’s Word to become stronger followers of Christ in today’s world.
Summer Missions
Each summer our students go on a domestic mission trip through our partnership with World Changers, and an international trip to Puerto Rico through Send Relief. The trips consist of meeting people’s needs through construction and service projects, opening the door to share the gospel.
The Underground Student Center
1181 Two Church Lane - down the street from the Main FBC Building
What We Value.
Forest Students is founded upon the teaching and study of God's Word together. It is our one, sure foundation in our post-Christian world. The most important question a student can ask about any topic is, "What does the Bible say about it?"
We are created to be in relationships by God Himself. This is especially true of teenagers, so we aim to foster godly, uplifting friendships among students and their leaders.
To follow Jesus is to serve Him. Whether in the church, in our community, or to the ends of the earth, there are endless opportunities to serve the Lord with the gifts He's given us.
Reed Hernandez
Director of Student Ministry
Director of Student Ministry
For questions or more information about our student ministry, contact: