Building Campaign

When Jesus said, “I will build my church,” He was not talking about brick and mortar. He was talking about men and women. He was referring to the community of people who, like Peter, rightly confess, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” (Matt 16:16) 

That’s the church. The Christian confession is both personal and public. We exist to know Him and to make Him known.   

Forest Baptist Church is seeking to further this mission by growing our physical building. Below are details about this plan of faith. If you are a member of FBC, please be prayerful about your role in seeing this plan to its fulfillment. 


Building by Faith video

The Story of Forest


(A) New parking lot with access to Rustic Village Road and the traffic light at Hwy 221. This will be a needed help for church traffic egress when turning left onto Hwy 221. 

(B) This phase will also add a drive at the back of the property to further assist flow and access around the property. 


(A) The heart of this project is a new independent sanctuary and fellowship area within one building. 

(B) The existing sanctuary will be renovated into educational space after the new building is complete. 


(A) Administrative and staff offices. 

(B) Entry area and welcome center. 

Goals to 

raise funds


the Logo


NOUN—a guide for constructing something; it’s a design or pattern that can be followed to ensure the proper outcome of a project. 

VERB—to define a path or plan for accomplishing a task. 

The blueprint in the campaign logo shows the Forest Baptist Church logo mark. This represents ownership of this campaign by this church. The Bible in the logo mark reminds us that the campaign is planned and will be carried out based on Biblical principles.  


NOUN—a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house, school, store, or in this case a church. 

VERB—the process of constructing something. 

The word “Building” in the logo takes on both the noun and verb form of the word: “Building by Faith” – a physical structure is our goal; “Building by Faith” – this is a step-by-step process. And also, in this enterprise we trust that we will “build faith” in God himself.  


NOUN—complete trust or confidence in someone or something.  

The cornerstone of this campaign and building program is faith. Every aspect of it is based on faith; the planning, the execution, and the outcome are by faith. It is designed to be a demonstration of our faith, as well as means to grow our faith. This includes individual and corporate faith.  



NOUN—people born and living at about the same time.  

The idea of “generation” is found throughout scripture. This campaign considers generations past and generations to come. FBC is blessed to have a membership which spans several generations. The impact of this campaign is to touch generations now, and to come, with the saving message of Christ.